Muhammad Nabina Lyrics, Mp3 Full Naat by Aqsa Binte Anas

 Muhammad Nabina Lyrics and Mp3 Download, Muhammad Nabina Lyrics Arabic, Muhammad nabina Binuru hadina. This Beautiful Islamic Naat is Sung by Aqsa Binte Anas. Muhammad Nabina Naat Lyrics are written by Ayisha Abdul Basith. Muhammad Nabina Lyrics in English.

আশা করছি আমাদের শেয়ার করা গজল গুলো আপনাদের অনেক ভালো লাগছে। আমারা দারুন দারুন কিছু ইসলামিক অ্যাপ তৈরী করেছি এবং সেই অ্যাপগুলো (Google Play Store) থেকে ডাউনলোড করে ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন। আশা করছি অ্যাপ গুলো ব্যবহার করে আপনাদের অনেক ভালো লাগবে। ধন্যবাদ ❤❤

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Naat Info:
  • Song title : Muhammad Nabina (محمد نبينا)
  • Singer : Aqsa Binte Anas
  • Lyric & Tune: Collected 
  • Director: Gazi Anas Rawshan

Muhammad Nabina Lyrics

Muhammad nabina
Binuru hadina
Min Makkah Habibi nuru sata’ aal Madinah
Min salla Salatu, wet’hala bsifatu
Ya bakht elli fdhelou
mechi, yechfa’alu fimamatu
Muhammad nabina
Binuru hadina
Min Makkah Habibi nuru sata’ aal Madinah
Min salla Salatu, wet’hala bsifatu
Ya bakht elli fdhelou
mechi, yechfa’alu fimamatu

Ya Imamna ya Ameen
Ya sanad lil muslimeen
Ya Habibi ya Muhammad ya Ibn Abdullah.
Tammet irrisalat tamam,
wel Habib Misk Elkhitam
Tul hayati wfslati bad’i assalli warah
Muhammad nabina
Binuru hadina
Min Makkah Habibi nuru sata’ aal Madinah
Min salla Salatu, wet’hala bsifatu
Ya bakht elli fdhelou
mechi, yechfa’alu fimamatu

Min awel youm fi o’mri,
seme’t abuya wommi bisallu aalih
Allah umma salli aalih
Habbibni fil Iman,
hassesni bil amen, we t’ala’t bih
Allahuma salli wasallem wabarek aalih
Allahuma salli wasallem wabarek aalih
Nefsi achufak fil manam… ya Rasulallah.
waabki aala kitfak wanam… ya habiballah.
wanul charaf lu’a sohbitak
wakhatti fi sfuf ummitak
wat’hama fik
Muhammad nabina
Binuru hadina
Min Makkah Habibi nuru sata’ aal Madinah
Ya Habibi ya Taha, ya nagat mel mataha
Ghayart edonya fi I’inina
bin lila wdhu’haha
Min salla Salatu, wet’hala bsifatu
Ya bakht elli fdhelou
mechi, yechfa’alu fimamatu

Muhammad Nabina Lyrics in Arabic

محمدا نبينا بنوره هدينا
من مكة حبيبى نوره
سطا على المدينة
من صلى صلاته
واتحلى بصفاته
يابخت اللى فى ضله ماشى
يشفعله في مماته
يا امامنا يا امين
ياسند للمسلمين
ياحبيبى يامحمد
يا ابن عبد الله
تمت الرسالات تمام
والحبيب مسك الختام
طول حياتى وفى صلاتى
بدعى اصلى وراه
من اول يوم فى عمرى
سمعت ابويا وامى
بيصلوا عليك
اللهم صلى عليك الله
حببنى فى الايمان
حسسنى بالامان
واتعلقت بيه
اللهم صلى وسلم و بارك عليه
نفسى اشوفك فى المنام
يا رسول الله
وابكى على كتفك وانام
ياحبيب الله
وانول شرف لقى صحبتك
واخطى فى صفوف امتك
واتحامى فيك
ياحبيبى ياطه
يا نجا من المتاهة
غيرت الدنيا فى عنينا
بين الليلة وضحاه

Muhammad Nabina Lyrics In English

Muhammad our prophet guides us with his light
From Makkah,
O Beloved his light was glowing over Madinah
He who prays his prayers and tries to 
imitate his attitudes
Oh how lucky he is who walks in his presence
And gains his intercession after death
Oh our Imam, the trustworthy One
Oh guardian & support to all Muslims
Oh my beloved Muhammad (s.a.w),
the son of Abdullah
You completed the prophecies completely
And the Beloved One is the sweetest seal
(of the Prophets)
Throughout all my life and in my prayers,
I make a supplication to pray behind him
From the first day in my life that I
Heard my mother and father praying upon him
He endeared faith to me,
granted peace to me & made me love him
Oh Allah send blessings & peace upon him
Oh Allah send blessings & peace upon him
I wish to see you in my dreams,
O Messenger of God
And I cry on your shoulder & sleep there,
o Beloved of God
And I attain honor with your accompaniment
And I walk among the ranks of your Ummah
And I am protected by you
Oh Beloved, o Pure One,
you who had survived the maze
You changed the world in our eyes between a
Night and its morning
He who prays his prayers and tries to
improve his attributes
How lucky is he who walks in his shadow
And adds to him with his death.

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